Concord International Elementary

Concord International


STEAM at Concord

Welcome to Concord’s STEAM page. Here you will find out what Concord students are doing in STEAM class. You will also find links to websites our students use to practice typing, math and reading skills and conduct research.

S is for Science: Students learn science concepts in their classrooms and explore and extend their scientific skills and knowledge with hands-on experiences.

T is for Technology: Students have learned, technology is defined as any tool people use to make a job easier. One tool we use often is the computer where students are working on computer literacy; using the equipment efficiently and responsibly.

E is for Engineering: Students are learning about and practicing the Engineering Design Process: ask, imagine, plan, create and improve.

A is for Art: Students are making art in the Lab and in the Maker Space. Not only that, students are learning about art and artists from many cultures, old and new, and learning to analyze and evaluate art.

M is for Math: Students work on developing their math skills in the Lab and the Maker Space whether they are measuring paper, cardboard or wood to create or practicing math skills on the computer.